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Suicide attack on Nigerian police official's convoy kills 11

A suicide attack targeting a senior police official's convoy in eastern Nigeria on Monday killed 11 people and wounded 20, a rescue source said.

The senior officer was unharmed in the attack in the Taraba state capital Jalingo, in which a motorcycle ram into the police convoy amid a wave of similar violence attributed to Islamist group Boko Haram, police said.

Authorities provided an official death toll of three, including two passers-by and the bomber, while a police motorcyclist was wounded.

However, the rescue official put the death toll at 11, including a policeman, with 20 wounded.

"Eleven people died," the rescue official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to the press. "One policeman was among them. There are 20 injured."

There was no immediate claim of responsibility and police declined to name any suspects, though the attack was similar to others carried out by Islamist group Boko Haram.

Taraba state has not been known to be targeted by Boko Haram, though the state borders others that have been repeatedly hit by such violence.

The alleged mastermind of a Christmas day attack on a church near the capital Abuja which killed at least 44 people was re-arrested in Taraba state in February after having earlier escaped from custody.

President Goodluck Jonathan condemned Monday's attack in a statement, urging "Nigerians and foreigners living in the country not to be discouraged or deterred from going about their regular affairs by the persistence of the mindless bombings and gun attacks."

The Lake Chad Basin Commission decided Monday to reactivate a joint security force to fight Boko Haram militants, following a call to do so by Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno.

The heads of state of the five member states -- Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria and the Central African Republic -- called on the commission's executive secretary "to urgently take all necessary measures to reinvigorate the joint multinational security force," said a statement.

The member countries created such a force in 1998 but it was never put in place.

A grouping of Christians in the 19 northern states and Abuja expressed their frustration over the spate of attacks targeting them and said their patience was running out.

"We want to let the world know that nobody has the monopoly of violence and it is only the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit that is restraining us, but for how long?" asked a regional spokesman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

"Christians are not taught to retaliate, but Christians have been given the right to defend themselves and we will do it with all manner of defence at our disposal," he said on behalf of the CAN chairman, Catholic Archbishop Peter Jatau.

"Christians cannot fold their arms anymore and we are telling President Goodluck Jonathan if he has not done anything to put an end to this madness, then he should know that there is trouble in his hand."

Officials and experts have expressed concern that Boko Haram may be building ties with Al-Qaeda and expanding beyond Nigeria's borders to threaten the region, but diplomats say the group's agenda is domestically focused.

Nigeria has been hit by near daily gun and bomb attacks, mainly in the north of Africa's most populous nation and largest oil producer.

On Sunday, attacks on churchgoers in the northern cities of Kano and Maiduguri left a total of 23 people dead, security sources and an NGO have said.

Also Sunday, gunmen shot dead three policemen on patrol in an ambush in northern Katsina state, a police spokesman said Monday.

Nigeria is roughly divided between a mainly Muslim north and a predominantly Christian south. Taraba is located along the eastern-central border.

Boko Haram's increasingly bloody insurgency has claimed more than 1,000 lives since mid-2009. Police and soldiers have often been the victims, but Christian worshippers have also been targeted.

The group also claimed responsibility for a suicide attack at UN headquarters in Abuja which killed at least 25 people last August.

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