বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৬ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Homeschool Series: Planning : Ideas for Women Home and Family ...

Once you have decided to homeschool you may be your planning. Planning for homeschooling sounds much harder than it actually is. You need to decide first and foremost what subject your child(ren) will take for the school year. Make a list of those subjects along with the goals you want your child to reach for the year.

Next beginning finding the books you will need for the year. Depending on the method you will use and the subjects you will teach you can find these books at your local bookstore and online. Make sure you are comfortable with the books, go into the store and do more than just skim them. Remember that YOU are responsible for making sure your child learns so if a book bores you it may bore them as well.

Now begin setting up your planner. You can use any sort of m=planner and method you want.I use an excel program and list the subject across the top with each day?s lesson listed below for the week. If you aren?t sure which you want to use buy an teacher?s planner and use it until you get into your own groove. A teacher?s planner or even a homeschool themed planner will help you with your daily flow. You will find that it becomes an essential part of your homeschool efforts. You can look at lessons you have planned and work in field trips or even use trips to the grocery store to teach.


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